Asus Service Location ee Surabaya : Lorongku
Asus Service Location ee Surabaya : Lorongku

Asus Service Location ee Surabaya : Lorongku

Visit Asus Service Center Surabaya and Get Results

When you hear About Asus Service Center Surabaya, what’s on your mind? the various products manufactured by the Taiwanese brand can be improved in the most convenient place. Several points in Surabaya are the most suitable locations for the person who owns this item to visit.

Asus is a Taiwanese company and has spread to many countries around the world, including several developed countries. Indonesia is one of the countries that has experienced the development and spread of asus sales, especially in the city of Surabaya in eastern Java.

Initially, this company developed PCs, then moved to laptop computers, mobile phones, motherboards, and more until they ventured to release touchscreen computers. If usually in some areas, you’re experiencing on-screen touch keyboard then that’s the innovation.

However, sales of these touchscreen computers did not last long until they finally decided to break the sales chain and replace them with the new tablet. Asus Service Center Surabaya is one of the places to visit when you make a purchase.

So far many people prefer to use tablets because they are flexible and easy to carry anywhere. Compared to handsets, their screens and functions are much wider. However, it is not a matter of enough when being juxtaposed with the major functions of a computer.

Asus Service Location ee Surabaya

The existence of Asus Service Center Surabaya is the best solution for people who have problems with different computer devices. Residents of Surabaya can find a variety of developments suitable for the following locations:

  1. Jalan Klampis Jaya, No 39, Klampis Ngasem, is open every Monday through Friday from 09.30 to 16.30.  You can contact the number 031 1500128.
  2. Also on it is the ITC Mega Grosir, 2nd Floor, efficiently located in Block L7-5 operating every Monday through Saturday, starting at 09.30 and ending at 17.00 pm. Sundays off. The contact number is 031 37391516.
  3. Jalan Baratajaya, Gubeng with opening hours 08.30 and closed Monday to Friday at 17.00, while Saturday is 15.00 special. If you are going to contact them by phone, you can go to 031 5019500.
  4. Jalan Kayoon, Number 14, Embong Kaliasin, which is open from 9.00 to 17.00 every day from Monday to Friday, while every Saturday from 09.00 to 14.00. The contact number is 031 99250789.
  5. Plasa Marina, 2nd Floor of Block J Number 15, can be visited every Monday through Sunday from 11.00 to 20.30 p.m. If you need a phone connection, you can go to 031 99842414.
  6. Ruko Primalayan 2nd floor of Jalan Kartini Number 123A which is available for visit daily from Monday to Friday at 08.00-16.00, saturdays and sundays are closed. Also call 031 5680097.
  7. Ruko Blok K Number 27, Taman Flora Bratang is available to serve every Monday-Friday, 09.00-17.00.  You can contact him via 031 5027623.

The seven asus Service Center Surabaya  locations are the best places to visit when different Asus hardware encounters errors.  You can decide that by thinking about the farthest or the nearest destination.

Losses commonly occurring in Zenfone

A smartphone named zenfone is one of Asus’ brand new worldwide, including occupying one of the indonesian electronics market areas. This logo can also be one of the objects being repaired at the Asus Center Surabaya service center, just like the others.

Some of the damage often caused by the Zenfone’s land is caused by water, which is the custom for today’s youth to take mobile phones, including the toilet, including the toilet, wherever they are. Disruptions like this can also be seen as online motorcycle taxi drivers who don’t have cellphone protection.

Some people will visit the best-serving places for various reasons given that the mobile phone is completely dead. For vandals like this, pay attention to the book warrants and see whether it’s still accurate or not. If yes, then you are lucky to still be able to use it.

Have you ever got the caption, “Unfortunately the request stalled…” your phone? If it happens once or twice, perhaps we don’t need to make a fuss. However, if she is persistent and interferes with the movement it is more likely that the EMMC IC or her brain naturally will be damaged.

Like humans, when the brain encounters an error, the function of all the other organs will have some effect. This is genuinely dangerous fair so it is recommended to visit Asus Service Center Surabaya for the best treatment and restoration of cell phone work.

The above image is just an example, whereas in the field are other types of trauma that would not have been predictive.  You can learn a lot at the same time .

Your Importance  in knowing a Maintenance Number

When you visit Asus Service Center Surabaya, you will officially be provided with a maintenance number that can be regularly updated remotely.  You can track it, as the devices are running, without having to go straight to the site.

The process is simple, you go to the official ASUS website, then enter the maintenance section, and then enter the number of maintenance provided.  Naturally you will see the mechanism and state of this stand-alone device, to be monitored for monitoring.

In some cases, sometimes the estimated maintenance time in this case at the end date is sometimes unpredictable. The numbers are just predictions, but in real terms it depends on how badly the injury happens so that it takes longer to get faster.

This is important information to know, which means that when the provider does not show a number, you can ask directly. If you don’t have a pass to check the service process then you’ll be more anxious while you wait.

Asus Service Center Surabaya has provided convenience without requiring equipment owners to visit sites directly.  What you only need to do is visit twice, that is, when the goods are brought in for repair and when they are finished that technicians repair them.

Muhiimadda Maxaad u Ogaataa Number Serial

If you have already left Asus Service Center Surabaya without any information or inquiring about the maintenance number, then you can  also enter the  serial number with any type of device. In order to know this, you  must  first have knowledge.

A series of  numbers  is an identity in a device that can sort. If likened to a human, it can be likened to an identity card or identity card. Each device has a different identity, it is not possible to have the same serial number between phones.

This serial number is always unique, usually consisting of a combination of letters and numbers with lengths depending on each brand.  You don’t have to remember, just prepare the letters or other press to take the notes and then input advice.

This serial number belongs in the entire computer part, not just the coupling of a computer in general. There are serial numbers of keyboards, mice, monitors, and so on. Each number of sequences makes it easy to track each of the refurbished electronic devices.

Tracking from serial numbers and maintenance numbers is a way to make it easier to  contact Asus Service Center Surabaya.   This type of service is impossible to access once you decide to choose from an unauthorized service space from Asus.

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